Koh Lipe Meteo Live CamTest

Koh Lipe Meteo  Live Cam :Koh Lipe a wonderful holiday in the islands of Tarutao archipelag in Thailand, Green View Resort waits for you in the Tarutao Marine National Park, Koh Lipe is a island in front of Malaysia, it is ideal for snorkeling,diving lots of services are available like restaurants, hotels, resorts.Welcome to Koh Lipe the”last paradise”. Koh lipe is a small island in the southern part of Thailand. Located in the Andaman sea,near Langkawi island and Malaysian border,and is part of Butang archipelago…

Enjoy real time image from Koh Lipe Meteo  Live Cam :white sand and pristine water;enjoy best beach front bungalows on Green View Beach Resort

Wellcome to Green View Beach Eco-Resort Koh Lipe:built and managed in an Eco-friendly way to respect environment: eco-material,waste ricycling,water treatment.Lay down in the shade enjoy the nature, feel part od the place.

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Enjoy Koh Lipe unique beach view camera,torquise water, amazing sunsets.